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With much encouragement, here I am ...again, or should I say 'still'?
It's been a longtime, I know and I can't even really apologize. Let's just say it's been a VERY rough 2 years. There have been moves, illnesses, deaths and lots of lots lessons learned in this time away.
I was just going to let this blog go away quietly, but now that the dust seems to have settled, the healing that's occurred and the people that have poked me and said "hey, I miss your blog", I've decided to give it a go again.
I've learned that with the blog, I was thinking all of nothing. If I couldn't get a ton of giveaways, samples or "attractions", or as the blogiverse says- traffic- then what good was it?
Would people really want to hear what I have to say? I have wrestled with that question, and finally have come up with the answer- so what if no one does. I am sure many would be authors thought the same...but what if they didn't write those awesome words, or at least try??
So, if you are reading this- thanks for coming. I plan on a little of everything- but be forewarned...I have "one of those lives" that things just happen, and they are just too good to makeup, or not to share! I do make people laugh, find some great bargains, and love to well, gab. You just never know what you will get with me.
I do have some good things lined up, but won't focus on what I can give, other than myself. That way, the things that do come along, will be all the more appreciated.
With that note- LET"S BLOG!
Oh yeah, if you have fledging blog, like mine (under 1,000 followers)- let me know. We can swap buttons and help each other out!
PS-I love feedback, knowing that people are listening, or that I helped someone get writing!
Glad to see you back in the blogging world. Looking forward to reading your entertaining posts.
Welcome Back!
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